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Hispanic Culture

Cultures of the Andes
Quechua songs (with audio), poems, and language lessons; also photos, and Aymara link
Enlaces Hispanos
La presente colección de enlaces es una colección básica de recursos en la red para aquel interesado en indagar más acerca de algunos aspectos culturales de España
Music in the Spanish-Speaking World
A collection of about 50 audio files of Spanish songs, ranging from traditional to rock
Art from the Spanish Civil War
A selection of online paintings of the period from the likes of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso
Miles de biografías
Maps of Hispanic Countries
Various maps of Spanish-speaking countries, including historical
Photo Tour of Spain
Take a photo tour through Spain
Tumbas Reales de Sipan
Un mundo por descubrir, los primeros hallazgos, hacia mayores descubrimientos, encuentros cercanos
Offers you a huge journey through Spain, its culture, traditions and landscapes
WWW Virtual Library Museos en España
Esta página contiene una colección de museos en red y otros servicios de World Wide Web relacionados con museos en España (also in English)
Discovering Mexico
Tour Mexico with four photographers and a team of writers. Listen to the sounds of the country as you view photos and read daily dispatches
The Ice Mummies
Follow the daily progress of an archaeological expedition in search of frozen sacrifices on the summit of Sara Sara in Peru
Mexico: The Country
Learn about the people and
economy, and travel in this country
Cinco de Mayo History
Learn the traditions and history behind this May 5th holiday
Casa de Su Majestad el Rey de España
Datos y fotos sobre la casa real española y otros lugares reales
Las posadas 
The Mexican re-enactment of the story of the first Christmas (in Spanish or English)

Los Incas

Un video hecho por unos alumnos



This page last modified on 11/29/2009